Welcome to the Cave of Wonders

Seasoned Speakees, we’re glad to have you back. And for those of you who are discovering us for the first time, welcome the first day of the rest of your lives. (We’re not actually that pretentious, we promise.)

Hopefully you all had magical summers that inspired some lovely/beautiful/tragic poetry, but if not, have no fear! We’re planning poetry prompts and activities throughout the semester to spark your creativity. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, September 11th at 7:30 p.m in GSU 315.  Be sure to RSVP on our Facebook event.

In the meantime, stalk add us on Facebook, sharpen your pencils, and try not to get lost in the depths of Allston before our poetic jubilation.

Speak Love,

Your Zesty E-board


Speakees & Groupies:

We would like to thank you all for coming out to the show last night to see Rachel McKibbens & Mindy Netiffee throw down in a “literary bitch slap.” We hope that you enjoyed the show us much as we did, whether it was Mindy talking about Psalty the Bible or Rachel reflecting on her Last Love. We can’t say thank you enough to Mindy & Rachel for bringing an unquantifiable amount of soul and rawness to the stage. Also, I hope you all enjoyed your sexy e-board who threw down and opened up the show with some mind-blowing performances. Steph Braman’s Turnstyle, Jay Schwartz’s Liberace Paper Dolls, and Paul Black’s Firefly were brilliant examples of what your e-board has to offer.


There are many opportunities in the next six weeks for you see your lovely e-board.

We are rolling out our NovembAM Slam Season this Monday, November 7th.

What is NovemBAM?

Instead of having an open mic the first Tuesday of every month, during November we will be having a series of slams to solidify a qualifying team for the collegiate national poetry competitions – CUPSI. Every Monday in November and into the first two weeks of December we will have Monday Night Slams at BU Central starting around 8 pm. Do you still love the Open Mic and wish it were still around? Don’t fear, it is! The beginning of every slam will begin with a condensed Open Mic for all of you people that love Spoken Word.

Tell me more!!

Do you wish you could see Speak for Yourself perform in a showcase this semester? In addition to our end of the year showcase, we will be having a poetry showcase at the South Campus Residence Hall Recreational Room on November 17th. Time and theme TBA. Just. Get. Ready.

Below are some videos from past performances and you can find more under our videos tab!

Speak Love,

Your Quirky E-board